Water/Sewer/Trash Services
For city water and to sign up for sewer and residential trash services, contact Lathrop City Hall 816.740.4251 or download the Application for Utility Service and return to Lathrop City Hall. The City of Lathrop water bills are due on the 15th of each month. Advanced deposit is required for new services. $100 for homeowners, $200 for renters.
Trash service in the City of Lathrop is managed by a contract with Redgate Disposal. Any and all trash service related issues should be directed to Lathrop City Hall directly. Please contact City Hall at 816.740.4251 for questions or to report an issue. Follow Redgate Disposal on Facebook for up to date information Trash Service and Curbside Recycling Regulations Lathrop City Application for Water/Sewer/Trash Recycling/Clean-up Recycling buildings are located at 101 Pine Street for the collection of glass, metals, cardboard, plastics and newspapers. Curbside Recycling is now available to all residential trash service customers with Redgate Disposal. City wide Clean-Up Day is held twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. The dates will appear on your water bill, on the City of Lathrop online calendar and on the City of Lathrop homepage. For these clean-up days the City provides trash dumpsters at the City Maintenance Barn from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for tax paying citizens living within the city limits of Lathrop. You are required to show proof of residency. No tires, batteries or yard waste, paint, metal items, or oil are allowed in the dumpsters. These items can be disposed of, when scheduled, for pick up by Region D Solid Waste Management. They schedule and hold pick up days for these items at irregular intervals. For more information about Region D Recycling & Waste Management and other collection sites and events in the area, you can visit their website: www.regiondrecycling.com or call Brenda Kennedy at 816.393.5250. Please view more details here. Electricity For electricity, contact Ameren Missouri at 800.552.7583. You may also visit their website: www.ameren.com. For some residents, electricity is provided by Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. 800.431.2131. You may also visit their website: www.pcec.coop/. Natural Gas For natural gas service, contact Missouri Gas Energy (MGE) at 800.582.1234. You may also visit their website: www.missourigasenergy.com. Telephone & Internet Services For residential and business telephone & Internet service, contact LTC at 816-528-4211. You may also visit their website: www.grm.net. Lathrop Telephone Company bills can be paid via mail, phone, online or by dropping off payment (cash or check only) at Goppert Financial Bank - Lathrop branch (710 Oak St.). Cable Service There is no cable television service currently available for the City of Lathrop. Satellite Service Local channels are available via satellite services. U S Post Office 606 Oak Street , 816.533.5267 Hours: